I'd love for you to become a  


of the All Mighty Mom Tribe

Exclusively for Moms of Addicted Loved Ones


Mom of an Addicted Loved One

There is new found strength and grace from knowing we are not alone in a journey we would have never chosen for ourselves or our addicted love ones. We all have well meaning friends and family, but they don’t understand and can’t relate ( for which I am truly glad for them ).

Blessed to have you. Thank you for sharing your heart! 


Chief Hope Builder

Registration Opens February 1 -February 10, 2021 but you can 

Join the Wait List NOW

Stay in touch to learn MORE about

Member Benefits.

What Happens if You JOIN the LIST?

You will be the first to know more about what this membership includes.

Will You Be Committed to Join?

The choice to JOIN will be up to you. Joining this list puts you in the email sequence to receive more information about how to become a FOUNDING MEMBER of something BIG.

There will only be ONE time to become a FOUNDING MEMBER.

What Changes After You're Added to the List?

You will receive 'hot off the press' information on how to 

JOIN a COMMUNITY that has never been FOUNDED before.

This Membership Is Designed FOR:

Moms of Addicted Loved Ones who want to heal from their pain in a supportive community.

Women in midlife who feel restless and unsure of what's next because they've been stuck in taking care of an addicted loved one.

Moms who know they want to find more joy but aren't sure how.

Moms who want to build a better relationship with their addicted children but don't know how.

Women who want to grow in a community with other Moms who are doing the same thing!

You'll Come for the CONTENT and SPEAKERS, but you'll STAY for the COMMUNITY SUPPORT!

What Moms say about the "Letting Go"

 Mighty Mom Community


Mom of an Addicted Loved One

Welcome to this wonderful group of mommas who all “know” how each other feels & what we’re all struggling with or have struggled with!

My daughter, thank the Lord, is 6 months sober now, but I remain in this group for encouragement & friendships that I’ve made! 

God Bless You



After I joined this group, I have been handling my thoughts and emotions a whole lot better.

Every parent in this group tells the same story as mine. Or close enough. I have learned to accept what she is doing because I understand only she can change and I cannot do anything but pray she sees the

Light. God bless you


Mom of an Addicted Loved One

I am so glad that I found this group of Moms. I have felt so very alone in this journey that I never chose to take. Some of my friends are so judgmental, giving me suggestions on what to do or not do. They meant well, they just didn't understand. They  have never traveled my path. Others have been very supportive, but they had no advice to give.

What Are You Waiting For? Join

The "I'm Interested" List!

Chief Hope Builders, LLC 2020.  

