Outline Your Book
Fiction or Nonfiction - The FAST DRAFT Way
Don't Wait. Start Now.
UNCOVER the skeleton of your book.

Write 50K words in 30 Days.
Power through your rough draft with an destination in mind.
This is a great tool to help you brainstorm your story plot.
Includes a nonfiction section for those who want to write 90 email posts in 30 days.
Includes a fiction tutorial using Illustrations from The Hunger Games, Home Alone, and Spider-Man
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This PDF will help you outline your book and visualize your story using FIRE as an illustration. Examples are from The Hunger Games, Spider-Man, and Home Alone.
Most people never finish their book because they get stuck. Use this guide as a tool to power through your first draft.
This PDF will show you an outline of how you can write your email articles in 30 days using a creative idea that will illustrate that you're an authority in your field.
Imagine the bragging rights you'll have when you tell your friends and family that you've written 50K words in 30 Days!